Our Emblem
The school emblem represents finding one's Best Self ("center") through continuous learning and an open mind. The five petals or loops represent the five senses, sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. They not only represent our physical senses but also our cognitive senses. Through these senses we become aware of our environment and our Self. The continuous loop around the petals, without a beginning or an end, represents learning as a continuous process. Through our physical senses we become more aware of our environment and through our cognitive senses we become more aware of our Self.
As you internalize awareness, you move to your "center" represented by three concentric circles, each representing a level, and an empty space in the center. You start with the first outer circle representing consciousness looking outward, the second circle represents the consciousness looking inward and the third represents the unconscious state. The center empty space represents the state of epiphany, a peaceful state where you are past ethical judgment, looking at things as good or bad, right or wrong, darkness or light or male or female. It also represents the abyss of wisdom.
The outer circle represents Self which is discovered by finding your "center" (Bliss) that is to break past the symbolism of the petals.