Elementary School
Elementary curriculum continues to build on the foundation laid down in the early childhood education program on mathematics, reading, writing and social skills. It also introduces students to second language, arts, music and science. For higher grades in elementary school, students are introduced to social studies, third language and technology.
We emphasize a lot on building a strong base for students in math, reasoning, reading, writing and physical skills, while promoting creative thinking.
1st Grade
The Main subjects in 1st Grade are Mathematics, Computer Studies, English, EVS and Kannada
1. Blend sounds into recognizable words
2. Segment words into individual sounds
3. Read high-frequency (sight) words
4. Read grade 1 books independently with very little help.
5. Demonstrates understanding of short paragraphs
6. Able to make own short sentences with given words and write answers to simple questions
7. Speak fluently using short sentences.
8. Listening skills by taking dictation.br /> 8. Understand word meanings and spellings of grade 1 level vocabulary.
9. Proper use of Punctuations.
10. Demonstrates usage of tense. Understand 'Parts of Speech' noun, prepositions & verb.
2nd Grade
The Main subjects in 2nd Grade are Mathematics, Computer Studies, English, EVS and Kannada
1. Blend sounds into recognizable words
2. Segment words into individual sounds
3. Read high-frequency (sight) words
4. Read grade 2 books independently with very little help.
5. Demonstrates understanding of short lessons
6. Write short paragraph to introduce a topic/pic. and make own short sentences with given words.
7. Speak fluently using short sentences with conjunctions and proper tense.
8. Listening skills by taking dictation.
8. Understand word meanings and spellings of grade 2 level vocabulary.
9. Proper use of Punctuations.
10. Demonstrates usage of tense. Especially agreement of subject/noun with verb. Understand 'Parts of Speech' noun, adjective, verb, adverb & prepositions.
3rd Grade
The Main subjects in 3rd Grade are Mathematics, Computer Studies, English, Science, Social Studies and Kannada
1. Blend sounds into recognizable words
2. Segment words into individual sounds
3. Read high-frequency (sight) words
4. Read grade 3 books independently with very little help.
5. Demonstrates understanding of short lessons & Poems
6. Write short paragraph to introduce a topic/pic. and make own short sentences with given words.
7. Speak fluently using short sentences with conjunctions and proper tense.
8. Listening skills by taking dictation.
8. Understand word meanings and spellings of grade 3 level vocabulary.
9. Proper use of Punctuations.
10. Demonstrates usage of tense. Especially agreement of subject/noun with verb. Understand 'Parts of Speech' noun (types), pronouns, adjective (types), verb, (tense) adverb (types), prepositions (types) & conjunctions.
11. Understand the basic structure of a sentence.
4th Grade
The Main subjects in 4th Grade are Mathematics, Computer Studies, English, Science, Social Studies, Kannada and Hindi
1. Blend sounds into recognizable words
2. Segment words into individual sounds
3. Read high-frequency (sight) words
4. Read grade 4 books independently with very little help.
5. Demonstrates understanding of short lessons & Poems
6. Write short paragraph to introduce a topic/pic. and make own short sentences with given words.
7. Speak fluently using short sentences with conjunctions and proper tense.
8. Listening skills by taking dictation.
8. Understand word meanings and spellings of grade 4 level vocabulary.
9. Proper use of Punctuations.
10. Demonstrates usage of tense. Especially agreement of subject/noun with verb. Understand 'Parts of Speech' nouns: abstract & concrete, pronouns: possessive & reflexive, adjective (types), verb: helping (Aux) & phrasal, subject & verb agreement adverb: of manner & frequency, prepositions: of time, place & direction & conjunctions: coordinating.
11. Understand the basic structure of a sentence (sub., predicate, object) and types of sentences: statement, command, Interjection, question & exclamation .
5th Grade
The Main subjects in 5th Grade are Mathematics, Computer Studies, English, Science, Social Studies, Kannada and Hindi
1. Blend sounds into recognizable words
2. Segment words into individual sounds
3. Read high-frequency (sight) words
4. Read grade 5 books independently with very little help.
5. Demonstrates understanding of short lessons & Poems with 1-2 paragraph answers to questions
6. Write short paragraph to introduce a topic/pic. and make own short sentences with given words.
7. Speaking & listening skills by debating & answering question.
8. Listening skills by taking dictation of unseen passages.
8. Understand word meanings and spellings of grade 5 level vocabulary.
9. Proper use of Punctuations.
10. Demonstrates usage of tense. Especially agreement of subject/noun with verb. Understand 'Parts of Speech' nouns: collective, pronouns: indefinite and distributive, adjective comparative & superlative, article: 'the' 'an' & 'a' , verb: modal & verbs in present & past perfect tense, adverb: usage & degree of adverbs, prepositions: of time, place & direction, conjunctions: correlative (both-and, either-or, neither-nor), Apostrophe: usage in sigular & plural possessive, identifies simile, compound words, synonyms, opposites and rhyming words & Expressions: Collocation & Binomial.
11. Understand the basic structure of a sentence (sub., predicate, object) and types of sentences: simple & compound, convert direct to indirect speech.